HTML Report
20313Chronological index of notices of intent to build lodged with the Melbourne City Council from 1850 to 1916 [microform] / compiled by Winston Burchett from the original documents MCC building registers and contemporary directories.
43194Index of architects named in notices of intent to build lodged with the Melbourne City Council from 1850 to 1916 [microform] / compiled by Winston Burchett in 1980-1982 from the original notices of new buildings ...
58686Report on the Diddah Diddah Creek (Springhurst) water supply catchment : a proposal for proclamation prepared for consideration by the Land Conservation Council / prepared by P.O. Ockenden and D.M. McKinnon.
66605Biographical register of the Victorian Parliament 1900-84 / Geoff Browne.
74639Report of the bushfire review committee : on bush fire disaster preparedness and response in Victoria Australia following the Ash Wednesday fires 16 February 1983.
106770Proceedings of the Australasian Federal Convention / held at Parliament House Melbourne 20th January-17th March 1898.
136093Victoria [cartographic material] : geologically colored / Alfred R.C. Selwyn Government Geologist and Director of Mining and Geological Survey.
142989Guidelines for preparing waste assessments : a practical guide towards cleaner production / Environment Protection Authority.$FILE/277.pdf
183868HMVS Cerberus : battleship to breakwater : historic iron monitor warship of the Victorian Navy / by R.J. Herd.
279468Official report of the debates of the Australasian Federal Convention held at Parliament House Sydney September 2nd to September 24th 1897.